(updated: March 3rd, 2025)

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e-Sword: Free Bible Study App

Rick Meyers

This is the best Bible study app I have learned about (from Mark Virkler) and that I now use. They have the downloadable app available for different devices: I mainly use the desktop version because it has the best interface. Briefly speaking, this app allows me to make notes for each verse in the Bible, for individual topics you want to create, and also to create personal journal notes for every day. It contains the Strong's dictionaries and KJV concordance and all scriptures and references are easy to copy and paste into scripture/topic/journal notes. These are just the main benefits I am touching on but there is so much more efficiency associated with using this program! There are tutorials available for using this program so there's no need for you to be fearful of not understanding how to use it.


Complete Guide to Money

Dave Ramsey

This is probably one of the best books you can read to set a wise foundation for your finances! It will provide you with clear-cut, easy to understood wisdom about spending, debt, investing, insurances, etc. Just do yourself a favor and read it! It transformed our financial life as a married couple!

Jordan Page

Jordan is a mom of 8 and a pro at productivity and budgeting! Her block schedule system is amazing, as well as her online courses for productivity and budgeting. I already have an organized personality but still managed to learn from her, much to my benefit. Using some of Jordan's budgeting tips helped us to pay off significant amounts of debt! Jordan's company also sells her planners, cookbooks, etc. You can find a ton of free advice from Jordan using the links included here.


Pharmakeia: A Hidden Assassin

Dr. Ana Mendez Ferrell

God led me to reading this profound book which both confirmed my intuition and also shocked me with new insights into the medical industry and drugs. As a result of the research and knowledge contained within this book, we don't use prescription nor OTC drugs, we don't vax our kids (last time we vaxxed was when my oldest was 1.5yo and my 2nd child was 3mo. My 3rd and 4th children have never been vaxxed), nor do we attend doctor check-ups or "well visits" (our former pediatrician fired us because of our anti-vax decision for our kids). We eat healthily and moderately, we've detoxed our personal and household products (still have to detox our dishwashing liquid and laundry detergent), we use natural remedies, and we live according to Biblical principles in order to keep our body, soul, and spirit healthy the way God intended it in the Garden of Eden! God would've cursed Pharmakeia in the Garden of Eden just as He cursed the serpent to crawl on its belly and eat dust - *notice the medical symbol uses a serpent.*


GFBI Ministries

Dan and Jackie Hanselman

Jackie's teachings catapulted me into a deeper level of prayer, intercession (for others and nations), and inner healing. I soaked up Jackie's teachings and protocols from her book Silencing the Accuser, her YouTube teachings, and from her recorded intercessory sessions (uploaded unto YouTube). I learned the importance of generational repentance for bloodline iniquity and how to use the Courts of Heaven. Jackie's teachings about generational and land repentance brought me to a deeper awareness that we must keep our lives free of sin and be quick to repent if we fall short so that our adversary finds no legal entry to our lives or bloodline. If you'd like to learn from Jackie, purchase her book (hardcopy or eBook) and start with her YouTube playlist titled 'Silencing the Accuser.'

Silencing the Accuser (3rd Edition)

Jacquelin and Daniel Hanselman

( purchase link)

This is Jackie's book for generational repentance for bloodline iniquity and Courts of Heaven prayers and protocols.


His Needs Her Needs

Willard F. Harley, Jr.

This book was written by a Christian marriage therapist with decades of experience counseling couples. Our marriage became more fulfilling and passionate after my husband and I read and practiced what is written in this book. We continue to practice what is in this book!

His Needs Her Needs for Parents

Willard F. Harley, Jr.

This version of His Needs Her Needs truly helped us to get our priorities straight and to overcome erroneous ideas about what marriage with kids should look like! It also enlightened us with an excellent foundation for training our children that we probably would not have learned elsewhere or otherwise.


Rivers of Grace

Mark and Patti Virkler

This book confronted significant erroneous thinking I had concerning parenting and I am still trying to perfect what I have learned from it. If you have an "old school" parenting approach like I did, this may bring you to tears and repentance like it did with me! It freed me in areas of my parenting that I was holding on too tightly to because of how I was parented. Ultimately, even though I already love my children deeply, this book imparted within me a greater honor and understanding of them!

Shepherding a Child's Heart

Tedd Tripp

This is a Biblically-wise parenting manual that targets the heart attitudes of a child, instead of only behavior. The foundation of this book's teaching is that a child's heart must be steered towards God always - that is the main goal of parenting, and I love it! I instinctively knew some of what he wrote, but the depth of his wisdom impacted my parenting strategies significantly. I saw instant results after applying the techniques of this book; at the time of reading it, my oldest child was 6. Major advice: these techniques are meant to be put into practice from as soon as child gains awareness of obeying and disobeying which can be younger than or soon after 1 year old. Don't lose heart if your children are older as the author shares a successful story shepherding older children as well.

Getting Your Baby to Sleep the Baby Sleep Trainer Way

Natalie Willes

This book offered a very effective process that helped me to sleep train my firstborn within 2-3 days. Yes, 2-3 days! She was probably about 3-5 months old when I sleep trained her. Prior to that, she wanted to only sleep on my tummy, and then started to wake up after every sleep cycle (about 45 minutes). We were also doing all the things we could to get her to fall asleep. Sleep for my firstborn became quite independent and easy after being sleep trained!

My advice: don't torture your babies by forcing them to sleep on their backs if they don't want to. All of my babies, except for one daughter, preferred tummy side down from newborn stages. That one daughter slept comfortably on her back. But if you believe the fearmongering from your pediatricians, go ahead and have your babies sleep on their backs. After a few failed attempts at swaddling my firstborn, we just let her and her subsequent siblings all sleep un-swaddled. I also never gave pacifiers to my children.


Anna Bey - Fashion Coach

I have a special place in my heart for Anna because her videos helped me to realize my dream of dressing my version of 'elegantly.' Before I discovered Anna, my dressing was hit or miss--sometimes spectacular, sometimes blah, and sometimes outrightly awkward and uncomfortable! Anna's teachings helped me to formulate guidelines that I can use to dress appropriately and comfortably for each season and for various occasions. I am now knowledgeable to consistently purchase and wear items that are appropriate for my body shape and preference, and quality fabrics. I have never felt more 'elegantly' and comfortably dressed, nor more prepared for various occasions--and I am delighted to wear almost everything in my closet!


Whitney Trump - Traditional Midwife

I went through the regular USA pregnancy protocol with my oldest 2 daughters: prenatal visits to an OBGYN and hospital births. I felt as if most of it was unnecessary and a waste of my time. Then I came across Whitney on social media, noticed her "freebirth" comment on someone's post and proceeded to enquire about it from her. I started following and learning a little from her. Then God put the urge in my heart to have my next babies at home, and so I went down that path. I bought Whitney's little booklet of information - a very quick read because childbirth outside of the establishment should not be difficult. I also learned a little from any other resources mentioned in this category, but it was mostly my inner confidence in God and in my ability to freebirth that took me through. I also knew what to expect from my body after giving birth 2 times. I was fearless. My husband and I delivered our second 2 daughters in our bedroom, without any assistance, successfully: These were the most peaceful and beautiful births we had experienced thus far! I was then able to relax and recover with my babies without anyone bothering me!

Home Birth On Your Own Terms

Heather Baker

I cannot remember how much of this book I read, but I do remember that reading the author's accounts of her 5 easy home births were greatly encouraging. She is an experienced midwife and gives much information in her book.


Evernote App

This app can be synced across devices (paid version) and is amazing for creating, organizing (folder options) and storing multiple formats of information. I mainly use it for personal notes and recipes. You can also save webpages to the app within a few seconds - I saved recipes for future use quickly using this app. This app allows users to send note links to others, to attach audio recordings and photos, to create tables etc. You can try the free version!

Jordan Page

Jordan is a mom of 8 and a pro at productivity and budgeting! Her block schedule system is amazing, as well as her online courses for productivity and budgeting. I already have an organized personality but still managed to learn from her, much to my benefit. Using some of Jordan's budgeting tips helped us to pay off significant amounts of debt! Jordan's company also sells her planners, cookbooks, etc. You can find a ton of free advice from Jordan using the links included here.


The Seven Mountain Mantle

Johnny Enlow

Read it. Gift it. Live it. This book will infuse you with hope and drive to seek and fulfill your purpose on this earth. Johnny explains Joseph's life and journey with such insight and revelation, making it applicable to God's 'Josephs' - us! He describes the seven mountains of society and what possible roles of being called to any of those mountains may look like for you and others. Upon reading this book, you will most likely never consider your life the same way again and will be compelled to go forth in purpose!


LastPass App

Years ago, I was the "one simple password for everything" kind of person. I couldn't be bothered to remember multiple complex passwords for different logins. LastPass allows users to store numerous passwords, security codes, and other sensitive information, to be easily retrieved with one username and password, and can be used across several devices. The application allows users to auto generate passwords ranging from 1-99 characters of variety (symbols, numbers, etc.). When on the login page of a website or phone app, LastPass automatically pops up with the relevant username and password to be entered into the login fields so that you don't have to memorize anything! This has helped me to secure all of my logins, effortlessly.


4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

Mark and Patti Virkler

My personal coach recommended Mark VirkIer's course to me which led to me learning from and purchasing his resources as he is a terrific teacher! My husband and I have used this book to sharpen our skills of hearing God's Voice and instructions.

Hearing God Through Your Dreams

Charity Virkler Kayembe and Mark Virkler

Another superb resource from the Virkler family that has transformed the way we view and interpret our dreams!

Bride Ministries International

Apostle Daniel Duval

Pastor Dan has a pioneering ministry that teaches the deep truths of the Kingdom and of our spiritual inheritances, that exposes Satanic Ritual Abuse and Government-sponsored Mind Control (MK Ultra), and that offers inner healing coaching sessions with certified coaches. He also interviews survivors of SRA and MK Ultra who share their experiences and expose the major players involved in such activities: government officials, celebrities, Royal family, etc. If you want to know the truth about what's really going on in this world, check out Pastor Dan's Ministry! If you want deeper revelation to live a Kingdom effective life, check out his ministry! If you're struggling with past abuse of any level, or need healing because of inner struggles, he has coaches (spiritual counselors) who can help you!

Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood

Ana Mendez Ferrell

Ana's brilliant revelation makes this a remarkably comprehensive book about the significance and benefits of Christ's Communion! It gives practical insights to applying Communion to everyday living! It takes Communion from a mere religious duty to an everyday life giving practice!

Spiritual Inner Healing

Coach Ramona Floyd

Coach Ramona is my personal coach. She is compassionate, patient, and kind! She was a Bride Ministries' coach - where I first met her - who now works independently. See the above link for her availability and her affordable prices.

I am not paid to recommend her. She doesn't even know I am recommending her here on my website, nor do any of the people I have mentioned on this page! I just genuinely, freely, like to share knowledge, wisdom, and resources that have worked for me!

Bride Ministries International

Apostle Daniel Duval

Pastor Dan has a pioneering ministry that teaches the deep truths of the Kingdom and of our spiritual inheritances, that exposes Satanic Ritual Abuse and Government-sponsored Mind Control (MK Ultra), and that offers inner healing coaching sessions with certified coaches. He also interviews survivors of SRA and MK Ultra who share their experiences and expose the major players involved in such activities: government officials, celebrities, Royal family, etc. If you want to know the truth about what's really going on in this world, check out Pastor Dan's Ministry! If you want deeper revelation to live a Kingdom effective life, check out his ministry! If you're struggling with past abuse of any level, or need healing because of inner struggles, he has coaches (spiritual counselors) who can help you!

GFBI Ministries

Dan and Jackie Hanselman

Jackie's teachings catapulted me into a deeper level of prayer, intercession (for others and nations), and inner healing. I soaked up Jackie's teachings and protocols from her book Silencing the Accuser, her YouTube teachings, and from her recorded intercessory sessions (uploaded unto YouTube). I learned the importance of generational repentance for bloodline iniquity and how to use the Courts of Heaven. Jackie's teachings about generational and land repentance brought me to a deeper awareness that we must keep our lives free of sin and be quick to repent if we fall short so that our adversary finds no legal entry to our lives or bloodline. If you'd like to learn from Jackie, purchase her book (hardcopy or eBook) and start with her YouTube playlist titled 'Silencing the Accuser.'

Emotional Healing Made Simple

Praying Medic

This book is one of the best places to start with your inner healing journey if you're new to what inner healing is and what it entails. Author (David Hayes) explains how the soul is affected by trauma and gives strategies to heal, which oftentimes results in physical healing as well. He writes in a very approachable manner that facilitates understanding by the reader.

This book also includes a section on SRA/MK Ultra healing strategies.

Teach Your Child/ Homeschooling

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

Elaine Bruner, Phyllis Haddox, and Siegfried Engelmann

This is the only book God led me to use to teach my oldest child (5yo at the time) to read! After getting a hang of how it works by doing the first few lessons, I skipped much of the detailed instructions in subsequent lessons that the book states to tell your child, and I got straight to practicing the sounds with her. Because of this, we were able to do multiple lessons a day. We skipped days and even weeks between lessons, but the book is so good that even so, she learned to read within a few months and is an avid reader! Use the link to learn the sounds you're not sure about before you teach your child. This is now my go-to book to teach all of my other children to read!

Rivers of Grace

Mark and Patti Virkler

I recommended this book in the Parenting section, but I am recommending it here again. Patti had finished writing this book when God told her to add the last chapter which is about homeschooling. Remarkably, I had a vivid dream one morning which led to me picking up and reading this book the same day (I had it on my bookshelf waiting to be read). It was right before the commencement of the first mandated NYC school year for my oldest (1st Grade), and God used this book to both confirm my decision to homeschool, and also to direct me about what resources I can use to teach my child. I trust Patti's recommendations, and I hope that you will find them useful for your Young Ones as well.


The Fall of the Cabal

Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

This 10-Part series is the result of extensive research done by the above-mentioned ladies into the secret society and pedophiles who run our governments and all aspects of society. This is not conspiracy theory because all of the evidence is shown! It will keep you hooked on the edge of your seat and you'll see why millions of people have experienced a great awakening since 2020!

The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal

Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

This is the unfinished 28-Parts sequel to The Fall of the Cabal series. Be prepared for a deeper ruder awakening than you experienced from the original Fall of the Cabal series!