Hi, I'm Sarah!

I gave my life to Jesus when I was a teenager and the longer I live, the more I fall in love with Him. I have witnessed how Father God's, Jesus', and Holy Spirit's love, guidance, and wisdom have transformed the trajectory of my life.

In short, they've given me beauty for ashes many times over.

My heart's desire, truly, is to share what I have learned throughout the years, with you, because God loves you and wants the best for you. There are many times when I needed wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to overcome struggles or to make wise decisions, and God was faithful to impart to me what I needed.

He has loved me enough to invest in me, and now I want to re-invest what He's given me into you. Hopefully, you will be able to use the content here to breakthrough, overcome, and thrive in areas of your life.

My Personal Life

I am married to my husband whom my soul and heart loves, and whom God chose for me more than a decade ago. Together, we have four precious daughters for whom we heal, break generational curses, and build a righteous legacy. We currently live in NYC.

I indulge in preparing creative, delicious meals for my family - honestly, it's not about the presentation, but about the ingredients and taste! I started craving immersing myself in nature a few years ago: It refreshes my soul. My greatest joy in this season of my life is having precious togetherness with my husband and daughters - I want this season to never end. In my "free" time, I indulge books and teachings because I am such a consumer of wisdom, knowledge, and information: It's a freaking addiction, which is why I rarely partake of entertainment - learning is my entertainment, actually. I love to pray with my husband because it becomes an empowering, fulfilling fellowship with God, together as a couple.

I am a graduate of Columbia University (BA Creative Writing), a former NYC Teaching Fellow, and a Picture Book author (see my publishing company below). I am a Guyanese native and a naturalized American.

Welcome to my Bloig: I am honored to share with you!

A Snippet of my Testimony

If you check my Resources page, you will see that I include GFBI Ministries with Jackie Hanselman. We got to know each other while I was learning from her teachings. After I received some breakthroughs, she decided to interview me so that I can share my testimony to encourage others. Here is my humble interview.

"Bloig" means Building Lives Of Individual Greatness

Bloig sounds like and was meant to be a unique spin on the word 'blog.'

Why B.L.O.I.G. ?

The world calls people great who have achieved rare accomplishments. This may cause the rest of us to consider ourselves as "just ordinary" people who live normal lives. Some of us may feel embarrassed or even foolish to consider that we too could be great.

Yet God regards us this way:

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; (1 Peter 2:9 NASB1995).

And while this verse refers to us as a group of people, there is another verse that focuses on us as individuals:

You saw who you created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book. [Psalms 139:16 TPT]

Psalms 139:16 shows that we each have a predestined purpose and destiny. You were sent for a unique assignment that was prepared just for you - that sounds quite special to me! God doesn't require us to break records and set new ones or to copy others who have done great things to become great ourselves. The good news is that He has created a unique standard of greatness for each of us that is directly dependent upon our individual purpose and destiny.

In simple terms, in God's kingdom, there is no one-size-fits-all standard of greatness. He regards us as great when we are faithful to what He has created us to do and be as individuals. He measures us by a standard that He has created specifically for each of us.

Now that we're beginning to soak up the possibility that each of us can be great in our own individual lives, we begin to see how important it is to live wisely and purposefully! We see how much we need God's wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in every season, in every area and role, and in every assignment of our lives so that we can fulfill it excellently to be great for Jesus.

For me, Sarah, I have received much needed wisdom, knowledge, and understanding from God through different sources: prayer and Him speaking to me directly, timely revelation from His Word, books, sermons and online teachings/discussions, dreams, social media posts, in-person conversations, observing human behavior and actions and consequences around me, and there's probably more ways! I have overcome significant struggles and gained significant successes through the insights God has given me from the aforementioned sources. These insights have helped me to advance in my purpose and destiny towards accomplishing the greatness He has assigned to my life.

And I want to share as much of these insights with you as possible to save you time and effort, and to prevent you losses and regrets.

I hope to help equip you to Build your Life Of Individual Greatness.


I have always loved rainbows and butterflies: there is so much beauty and life in them!

Butterflies represent transformation throughout significant stages. What it looks like in one stage is nothing like what it looks like in a different stage. It can look gross in one stage (caterpillars, eww!), become hidden in another stage (cocoon), and emerge as a beautiful sight to behold in its last stage - butterfly form.

The stages of a butterfly are stages we will each experience in our lives, multiple times, if we do it right.

Some seasons we will feel "gross" and "ugly" as we feel unsure and insecure about who we are and what we're called to do.

Some seasons God will hide us to develop us.

And there will be seasons when we emerge and reap the beautiful rewards of being faithful in the former two seasons.

The butterfly is to remind and encourage us that as we pursue greatness in our lives, it's normal to experience different stages and transformations. Don't beat yourself up (too much) in caterpillar stages, don't grieve (too much) in cocoon stages, and don't esteem yourself more highly than you ought to in butterfly stages: each stage is necessary and worthy!

Why a Colorful Butterfly Logo?

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